Final Vision Project

It's been fun to see and hear about what people have done for their projects. It's amazing how amazing we are :)

My project has had lots of starts and stops due to health issues, but I have still been able pull together a Digital Resources Catalogue. I have a Teachers' Page and a Students' page that is almost up-loadable to my website. I have to figure out the logistics to make it look the best I can. This will be a good learning curve for me. It also means that I will have to become better about maintaining the library website.📖 + 🕑 + 💻

I have spent many good hours looking for and looking through websites. For the Teachers' page, I have tried to find at least two sites for each subject area. I am still looking for PE and shop but I am happy with the others. I am still working on the Students' page and have quite a few sections to fill. I have added a border just for some decoration, and bolded and increased font size of sub titles for easy location. Even those choices took time that I wasn't expecting, and they're nothing too exciting :)
I  am also wondering if I need to divide the pages I have made into subject pages making it easier to find something specific in each special area. That will be a decision in the next few months.

I also have some simple annotations to make it easier to decide if a person wants to enter the site. I am hoping they will also be added to by teachers. I found that it can feel so repetitive as much of the vocabulary is the same because what needs to be said is similar. Sometimes I would cut and quote what the site itself said as it would say it best. (No copy infringement:)

I did have a challenge creating hyperlinks that worked. When I upload the URLs they sometimes work and sometimes don't. It meant continual testing but I think everything works well now. Also,
I am going to make this document open to all staff members so they can edit by adding to it and comments can be made about the usefulness of websites they try.
Below are the opening pages for each section. I have at least three pages for each.
Students' Page

Teachers' Page
It's funny that, when looking at the pages, it doesn't seem like as much work as I know went into it. Every site had to be vetted and I learned so much about choosing legitimate sites by digging deeper than just the first few pages. I was surprised and impressed by how well some sites camouflaged themselves as resources when really they were selling something. 🂥😎  I can also see how keeping up a website or blog can be very time-consuming and why people can make a career of it!

This has been a big learning curve but one I have enjoyed. If I were to do it again, I would pick the same topic but sooner. I started by wanting to do collaboration (and now I am doing a great deal of it with teachers) but I realized that I really wanted to create the Digital Resources Catalogue I had been trying to get to. I hope it works the way I envision it.
Visit and go to South Peace campus, click on library to see the uploaded version.


  1. You made some good points about trying to sell something and the importance to really look into the sites to see they are legitimate and useful for students. I have never heard of EBSCohost and crashcourses on Utube so thanks for adding to my possibilities.I would love to see the final project as i didn't see a link to see all the pages you spoke about but maybe you are posting that soon. IT definitely was a big learning curve for me too and has made me aware of so much more digital tools online and how what is offered now has changed a lot for the better.


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