Post #I am not sure how this is going.....

My project is going as well as it can. I am in the middle of trying to find fun and useful resources. Not much to happening except I keep getting caught up in diving deeper into a resource to check it out and it is taking longer than I thought. (Plus some health issues which always slow things down!)
I think the biggest thing for me at this point is knowing that I will have something useful for both staff and students, even a little something for parents.πŸ˜ƒ

I have created pages and am visiting potential websites and resources, checking to see if they are useful and easy to use, adding them to the correct section on the correct pages,  then creating a citation for the bibliography(s). It is not easy to have four pages open, plus a website page with lots of tabs. Sometimes my computer is so slow and I wish I could have just done it by hand.

I haven't uploaded anything to  website yet and that is something that I am avoiding.  Whenever I have tried to do this in the past it  has not had a happy ending. I did do a test run and that was a disaster. I am now wishing I had done the Google training when it was free.   Luckily we have a teacher who has returned for a year and he is a Google expert. Use your resources, right?! I will take the training later though, as I am learning so much and would like to become more efficient rather than piecemeal with Google apps, Docs, etc.

I am also not sure about the esthetics of what I am putting up. I want to be sure it is not only useful but makes the user want to be on the page. πŸ“– versus 🎊   On thing I am considering are less formal titles for the students' page. Things like, "Psst, looking for a book to read?", "Citations? No problem.", and "What the Heck is a Database?*!". We'll see. Pictures are also good. It's a roll of the dice as to what will attract them🎲.

I have three pages started, as well as two citation pages!  Here are two of them in partial form and maybe they can offer you some interesting sites. I hope you can read them. I have not added borders and/or images to enhance them a bit, or the fun titles.

Teachers' Resource page
Student Resource page

As far as advertising that I have created a database of useful databases? I am still pondering the question. I would like to make a little video on the opening page to introduce what people will find in each of the sections. I am thinking of something simple with iMovie. Mine is part of my computer program but here is the website if you don't know it.
 Whatever I do will be stopgap so I can come up with a better piece. Ideally, I would like to share some of the sites so teachers and students can see what might be useful about them. Here's what I tried for this πŸ˜…

This is not going to be a complete piece by the end of the course. I am hoping that when the staff and students start seeing and using the links that they will share their sites and insights and I can add them to the page. I have also gone to different teacher librarian Facebook pages, etc and found lots of great information (as well as trying to share what I have). 


“IMovie.” Apple (CA),
“Itempropname.” Google For Education Training Center,


  1. Great start; I enjoyed reading your suggestions on the teacher and a parent page especially the which gets rid and ads and images wow that's great! What I found is its a huge learning curve with technology and its continuously!

    1. An enormous learning curve. Thanks for the feedback :))

  2. I really like the how to put a video on youtube link , I think technical tips would be very useful for some teachers also I like the print link, also very helpful to teachers.

  3. A good checkin post that outlines some of your progress so far. You've highlighted some successes and some challenges, some ideas, and identified your audience and best ways to reach them. You've collected resources (and people) that you can use to help with your project and have created a realistic expectation for what you hope to finish for this course.


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