Where to next?

I have so enjoyed reading everyone’s blogs and exploring links they have shared. I am always amazed at what is out there in the internet. . I moved from the idea of  creating a skookum website, 
One of the websites I like is Cheryl's for Duchess Park in Prince George,  http://sd57.libguides.com/DPSS , to focusing on collaboration with teachers, (which I am starting to do an a larger scale already),  to creating a digital database.
I think that last one is what resonated with me because of all the wonderful links I am seeing on everyone's websites. It made me realize that I really want to compile a grouping of links that will be useful for students and staff, and make it as accessible as possible. I have thinking of titles and sections and how best to set it up. I have had this in mind for a while and am excited to get started. I know it will be a work in progress and one we need to update and care for regularly, just like a website. The next thing I am thinking about is how to make easily accessible so students will actually use it! I don’t want to put work into this for it to sit dormant! I will certainly be asking staff and students for their favourite sites so that they feel some ownership. Titles, ‘Student Picks’ & 'Staff Recommendations', to acknowledge their input is a must.
I am also planning to try and bring in staff after school to see what we have in the library, to help with weeding certain sections, and to show share that they can use it too.  I love the idea of creating a restaurant setting with a theme. I have a co-TL this year and we are planning to put together portable maker boxes to go with the curriculum and this will be a collaborative effort. SO the ideas about bringing staff even more into the mix is definitely on the table.
I was wish there had been more out there for creativity within secondary schools. We can adapt from the elementary, but.... So far so good in our library but I am hopeful to be a bit more creative. 

I am genrefying the fiction collection and that is appealing to the students. I ordered labels from Brodart but I think it is easier and cheaper to make them and print in colour. Just cut out and tape on. The librarian tape is very important and worth the cost ( if you have a budget).

I was struck by the 'supporting teachers' blogs and the 'pedagogy' blogs. I am going to go back and read all of them. It so impressive to see what everyone is doing and thinking of as important if they could be in a library setting. It validated how essential TLs are in partnering and supporting student learning and staff work.

So the above sounds like a to-do & 'aren't I great' list but it is a musing about all the things I am doing and learning, and much of this is because I am trying to prioritize what I am doing and cover everything. My take away is: there are so many directions, links and actions that are useful, important, interesting, and so much more, that it is easy to get bogged down. I realized that I really need to map out my choices and steps and create long and short term plans, allowing for flexibility. And then follow them!

Doucet, Cheryl. “Welcome to the Duchess Park Library Learning Commons: Front Page News.” Duchess Park Secondary - Duchess Park Secondary, SD57, 16 Oct. 2017, www.sd57.bc.ca/school/duch/Pages/default.aspx.

Fox, Jennifer. 'Library Images'. DCSS South Peace campus. taken 12 Oct 2017. 


  1. That's great all the collaboration you are creating with asking input on selection of resources and weeding and your goal to create a grouping of links for digital tools. I can relate with getting bogged down because I found it overwhelming and was also trying to find ways to categorize them and it was helpful when I came upon the Commonsense Media site where they review them as one resource. I'd love to see your site when you have it up.

  2. A decent reflection that lists out a lot of your finds, resources and ideas for moving forward. There is a lot here to carry with you going forward after the class and diploma are completed and many ways for you to continually improve yourself and provide for others. A bit more personal reflection on your own areas of growth and key takeaways would be useful, but there was much you were able to comment on.


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