Beginning the Big Project

I am quite excited to working no this project. It something I have been wanting to create since I started in the library. Making a database for resources and research links is time consuming and ongoing, but will be well worth it the long run. it is also an important resource in this digital age. Now that I am into the project I am finding some of the choices and roadblocks both expected and unexpected.
My webpage

The information that I am cataloguing will be for teachers, students and parents. I need to make a page for each group and then I need to delineate information using sub-categories between general skills, science, English, math, etc.  I also want to be sure the pages are ‘fun’ to look at, but that might be a long-term project.
I have viewed a number of very attractive pages but don’t have the resources to create the same type. (I am wondering if I should work on administration to help pay for something more interesting to look at! ) I saw this one on one of our classmates blogs and I really liked it, want to have easy to find and  understandable subheadings. It seems simple enough but as I go through the resources, I see headings, sub-categories, and then sub sub-categories! Of course this could go on forever so it is more of an issue of knowing when to rein it in.
Choosing how I will layout each of the pages is also important.  I want to create something that is user friendly and that looks good. And if I have the category issue mentioned above, then it can be very off putting, especially to students who want simple and easy to use. I also want to add some annotations so that people know how the resource link may be useful. I viewed this site and liked the simplicity . This would make a good opening page but I am hoping to have many more choices.  Sites like  and  and, (this last link is a database that is similar to GALE), plus all the District resources available through our subscriptions with ERAC. will all need to put into sub-categories.
I think the gathering and organizaton of resources has been the most fun. I have been exploring sites, learning about search engines and trying to make the most sense of what to do with all the items I have found.

“Annotate Images and Videos - ThingLink.” Annotate Images and Videos - ThingLink, Thinglink, 26 Feb. 2016,

Databases & Digital Resources for High School Students  | Sewickley Academy, Sewickley Academy, 
Fox, Jennifer. “Library.” South Peace Campus, School District 59, 

“Home | ERAC.” Home | ERAC, ERAC, 2017,  

ITHAKA., 2000,  

“Library Learning Commons @ South Delta.” Library Learning Commons @ South Delta,  

“The Free Automatic Bibliography Composer.” EasyBib, Chegg, 2017,


  1. A good start to your project, but a bit too focused on the technology, as well as the design. A bit more discussion of the 'scope', what it will be, who it will be for, what students, parents, and staff will do when they utilize your new website. Some great links, good examples, and nice references.


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