How the journey started!

Do you ever feel like you've been the same thing too long, no matter what you do to grow, change and/or extend your teaching? This was me. I had been working as a high school English teacher in Dawson Creek for 17 years. In our district there is only one high school in my community and so I had no opportunity to change placements. That doesn't mean it isn't a great place to work, but because of the school size there weren't many choices. It didn't mean that I wasn't growing and changing my practice as a teacher, but....

One day 2 years ago I was suddenly on the schedule to be in the library for one period a semester. I hadn't advocated for this so it was a surprise but not an unpleasant one. That year had been a very successful year of teaching, one of those years where everything meshes. I had been doing critical thinking, step-away-from-the-front teaching, designing my own strategies with ideas from the book, 'Socratic Circles' by Matt Copeland. I felt really good about what I was doing but I was not content. (I found out there was a difference between the two things!) I contemplated early retirement in a few years and then becoming a TTOC. Being my own master to some extent. Then a week before school started I received a phone call that changed my world...

My principal called and asked if I would be willing to take the library on full time. Before my brain could even process the request I said yes. It was immediate and felt like I had broken free of something I didn't know was holding me. So, having just taken my daughter to university, I returned home to take on the library. I had an teaching degree, a background in English, and training and experience as an archivist, I was not going in cold....

Have you ever heard of the imposter syndrome. Many teachers experience it all the time. I felt that every semester. It was silly, I know, but it's a fact many of us face. I can say with 100% truth, no masking of emotion, that I have never felt once, after making my decision, that I am going to be found out as an imposter. In fact, I am more confidant and clear about my choices. My Administration is incredibly supportive, giving me a very healthy budget to make changes, and I have been creating a flexible learning and relaxing spaces in the library. I even have a full time support staff and there is another part-time librarian.  I feel like a new teacher excited to go to work every day...

That is not to say that there are no bumps and challenges, but I feel completely competent to meet these as well as taking great pleasure in my successes and challenges. My husband and son noticed too.

  Now, retirement doesn't even cross my mind.


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