Keywords and topics

Well, I have been trying to get my head around narrowing down my search. I really get  how students feel when you say ,'choose anything you want within the area of study'. Sounds great but intimidating as heck :) They are used to immediate results to specific questions, and I would like to work with them on this skill, however that is for another time. I am working through it for myself right now, and having some old school techniques am chunking and isolating words and topics.

I have been working on developing a learning commons that reflects the population at the school and tries to push the boundaries of what a library can be used for. I have listened to a number of very useful webinars and have attended some conferences, as well as visited libraries. But this is all in the past:)

So, I started with evaluation of online resources. This didn't really get me far. Terms like databases, advanced search and ethical were good but not, I realized, where I wanted to go. I thought I would put my money where my mouth is and I only used the school data bases I encourage the students to use. A very useful learning exercise in-and-of itself!

I also played with the word internet connected to: co-teaching, collaboration. I read some interesting pieces about how we want to partner/collaborate but most programs are designed for single users with a hierarchy of delivery, and helping teachers move away from this thought process too. I have been trying to understand my role here and encourage teachers to work with me. Some do and some don't. It has been very piece meal but I am finding the reading very helpful.

I am also interesting the concept of inquiry under collaboration and have spoken to a few TLs who are doing this. It also came up in my searches. It is similar to collaboration but more specific from beginning to end from what I have learned so far.

I am thinking that the collaboration area is where I want to focus as it is a learning curve for everyone. As well, I can see how to use the library digital resources to support curriculum.

Since everything was on a data base i can't link it for you as a citation list. I will  write out a number of articles I viewed and saved. There are others but I am not sure how to share since they are on a data base. I did go to the online Teacher Librarian magazine but didn't have mush luck. A goal it to find a way to link these and more.

Loertscher, Daveid. V.  "Coteaching On and Off Line". Teacher Librarian. Dec2014, Vol.42 Issue 2,
     p.53-54. 2p.
Moreillon, Judi. "Making the Classroom-Library Connection". Teacher Librarian. Feb2016,  Vol 43        Issue 3, p8-18. 11p.
Cohen, Sydnye. "Coteaching". Teacher Librarian. Jun2015, Vol. 42 Issue 5, p8-11. 4p.
Loertscher, David V. and Carol Koechlin. "Coteaching and the learning Commons".   
      Teacher Librarian.  Dec2015, Vol.43 issue 2, p12-16.5p.


  1. Great first brainstorm and role-model of the critical first step of inquiry. Going through this mental exercise yourself definitely helps understand what students could struggle with. A good discussion of your interests, passions and experiences in doing some preliminary searching. Also, the authors of the articles you found are excellent and very insightful resources that you should seek out again and again. Good start!


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