BIg idea - little steps :)

My vision of a collection of digital resources for teachers, students and parents is slowly coming together.  I will be creating three different pages so that, even though there will be some overlap users won’t be overwhelmed by choice. I am also organizing them into subject and skills areas. It is a constantly evolving project as I am finding things exponentially as one site leads to two or three more. I have to say it is something I am excited by and intimidated by all at the same time.

I work at a grades 10 to 12 high school so not every website in science, English, PE will be appropriate. I am taking into consideration the fact that not all digital resources are created equal and not all students’ abilities, interests, and/or needs are the same.  So I am not only finding websites but I am trying to choose carefully. I am looking sites that are simple enough for some and academic enough to suit others. Many have a rating from teachers, independent sources or are self-rate for age group. One of my longer-term goals is to ask various subject teachers to bring their class in to the library and have their students try out different sites in that subject area. Then I will be able to check if they really are accessible and useful to students. And sometimes, it is just frustrating watching them make the same mistakes over and over again. (I know that's how they learn, but it's still frustrating!)

I am also trying to find useful websites for teachers. I have found quite a few from the blogs that have been posted, which is wonderful.  Again, choosing grade appropriate sites and innovated teacher resources objectively is an interesting challenge. I have put out a call to teachers for sites they would like to see on the pages but with report cards and everyone else’s busy schedule we’ll see what comes in. I think the once they see the pages, they will want to add their own ideas.
The parents’ page will be a little simpler. I am envisioning it as having less categories with more around skills and study. I don’t want to create something that will allow parents to evaluate teaching skills but to allow them support with students at home. For example, I could give them links to the local college, any teacher websites, or online study skill ideas.
I am also adding annotations as I can.  This will help shorten the assessment process for the users.  It won’t be perfect but at least some vetting will have been done. Some times finding information on the internet is just simpler (not necessarily easier).

I think this will be a very useful collection of digital resources. Not only will it cover a variety of subject areas but the sites will have been vetted so users will know they fit in the school curriculum. It will be organic and grow and be culled over the coming years. It is something that needs to be done, and although I am not creating a formal catalogue, it will act as one with some simple classifications. I am very excited about being able to get this project up on the site, in whatever form I have to in the beginning.


“Animated Cliparts School #2768532.” Free Animated Clipart School - Clip Art Library, ClipArt, 

coffee. “Free Image on Pixabay - Learn, School, Student, Mathematics.” Free Photo: Learn, School, Student, Mathematics - Free Image on Pixabay - 1996845, Pixabay, Feb. 2017,

guyjcollins. “The Scrollwheel.” YouTube, YouTube, 12 Jan. 2011, 


  1. This is a big project to come up with digital resources for parents teachers and students; that's a good idea to put out an email to teachers asking for suggestions. That's a good point that finding the right level developmentally with appropriate info for their ages not too easy or difficult is key; like KidsClick! is child friendly search site. I look forward to your viewing your final project!

  2. A good discussion of who you are building this for, why they need it and what you hope to achieve with it. Your careful analysis of your students and their needs, as opposed to teachers and parents was insightful and demonstrates a good understanding of your final vision. A good plan, and it seems to be coming together quite well.


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