
Hi Oraca group,

It's nice to meet you all.

I fell behind and did not realize it. I missed a week somehow. So, I have just posted my two missing blogs and will try to be ahead of time if not on time.

I must also tell you that I am dealing with a displaced replacement disc in my neck and nerves being compressed and I can only type for short periods, so I am slower than normal. (Grouchier too :)



  1. I am sorry to hear that! I hope you get some well-deserved rest and are working on helping yourself! I myself have been through the same, so I can understand your pain. I read your previous posts, and I am encouraged by hearing what an experienced teacher as yourself, might bring to our group. I am a new teacher, and a very new, not even teacher-librarian yet, so I am excited to learn from you :)


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