Call in the Big Guns

I have purposely titled my blog with Big Guns due to something that happened today which directly connects with this weeks topic. We are supposed to consider what we can do to bring in our community whatever for it takes. I have been working at this for a few years and am still eagerly looking ideas so am looking forward to the other blog posts.

When I started in the library I immediately asked that the staff meetings be held in the space. It was a good move as it brings everyone in at least once a month. They have been able to see the changes and some have even given commentary and ideas! I have encouraged teachers to hold their science fairs and project reviews in the library which has gone over well and they see how versatile the space is. I have also had other meetings in the space including union meetings after school, and community clubs. On school parent nights I put out yearbooks and encourage parents to come in with the kids to find themselves or see what the school and students used to look like.

However, I believe the best and most successful thing I ever did was invite the Superintendent and other Board employees to come and see the changes and explain what I was trying to achieve. I had more that positive reviews, and with the growth of libraries again, I believe it is helping others in our district be able to begin to create their own flexible spaces. But the coup de gras was inviting the school trustees come and see it one day and they came! And then today I was asked if they could hold the meeting of the Northern trustees group in the library and the Minister is going to be there. I am so hopeful that this will show why significant space is essential to creating a welcoming flexible area. I am going in on Saturday and hope to talk to some of the members and answer questions. These are the BIG GUNS.

I have also been having the Good Read of the Week for staff members. So far I have had takers. We have a teacher resource shelf but it isn't used so I am looking for tips for that. I went to pintrest and so a great photo of something I have been thinking of doing. I want to try and use the sku idea a it is apparently quite easy. If you went to the 2016 BCTLA conference you saw Gwyneth A Jones as a keynote and might have gone to her workshops. I was intrigued by the idea of scanning a QR. This video of hers might interest you.
A photo of one of GA Jones' powerponts.

Other sites I have looked at are:
  • - this site has a number of link you can go to. Although american there are ideas that are for everyone and adaptable.
  •  - more good ideas. I want to try a breakfast, or 'wine' and books in the library after school. 
  •  - this is from the School  Library Media Specialist section of eduscapes. It defines promotion and then discusses a number of other items. One of the parts that I relate to is the collaboration with teachers. I am having my first collaboration session tomorrow. I don't know why but I approached an extremely organized teacher. I am not sure what to expect but I am trying to do more of this. I had two small successes by simply casually mentioning I could help with finding something. One person said yes right away and the other came back three weeks later and asked if I would help. 
  •   - good video of interview with Gwyneth A Jones. I have tried to embed this video a number of times and all I get is the first image.
  •  - this one is for Aaron. It's an article about how and why to use blogs to promote your library! Again this can be adapted to what your library needs. There are some good links and then a list of great ideas and information. 
  •    - This download is a study about colloaboration. 
it is certainly a work in progress and almost more difficult than working with the students.


  1. So, I think you got this week's topic (Module 6 - Supporting your Own Technology Professional Development) mixed up with next week's topic? (Module 7 - Supporting others in your School Community with their technology professional development). This topic seems to be a lot about advocacy for your program and inviting others, having staff meetings in your space. I'm wondering about how you plan to support your own ongoing professional development around Technology and ICT?

    1. i was wondering why the other blogs seemed so different from mine! You must thin I am a bit ditzy. I can only say that this is as weird for me as it is for you. In my defense, I started some pain medications last Friday. I thought I was completely clear. I will check out what I am missing. :)

  2. Though not on Culture and ICT; I found the Utube video with Gwyneth Jones very helpful to me about using QR codes in the library. This is very new to me and I haven't even scanned one myself! So this information by TheDaring Librarian which I'm going to look up online was new to me. Most helpful was the i-nigma free app to scan QR codes and then students can use this app to scan codes with their mobile devices.


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