Part B

My topic has become inquiry-based learning (I-BL)  The second set of articles are specific to what I want to be doing with my teacher collaboration. The first set I found were very helpful but are not specific to what I wanted to be doing and so are secondary to the ones below.

List Two
 1) This reading sets out some guidelines along with examples of what to  do when using I-BL. It is part of a larger group of information from the Ontario government but is the piece that is specific to what I am researching. It has easy to read language and addresses teachers.

"Inspire: Capacity Building Series - Inquiry-based Learning." Ministry of Education/Ministere De                  L'Education, Government of Ontario, May 2013,

2) This article discusses collaboration using I-BL between teachers but the principles still apply to students. I found it very useful as it was talking about the teacher-to-teacher aspect of collaboration.

Schnellert, Leyton, Deborah L. Butler, et al. "Collaborative Inquiry." EdCan Network. Education        
       Canada, 9 June 2014,

5 E's Model
3) The 'Inquiry Process model' diagram included in this site was very useful to help visual the path for establishing a unit that is I-BL and for the student pathway. The other thing I likes were the other links that could used to discover more about I-BL. The '5 E's Model' also helps to visually see the process.
Joining the site would offer more I am sure, but I haven't done this.

"The Inquiry Process Diagram." s0007747. 9 Aug. 2011,                

4) A very short piece that gives a direct introductory description of inquiry-based learning and how to use it. There is a list of the four important steps when using inquiry-based learning. Again it will be useful for visualizing and structuring the process for both teacher and student.

Zhu, Julian. "Inquiry-Based Learning P&D Group." 21C Educators. Trarlagon College, 19 Aug 2012,


  1. These all look like useful resources, but you did need to fix up the links. Make sure you don't have a "." at the end of the link, and that you have copied and pasted the entire URL. Some (a small amount) of discussion of your topic, where more discussion and reflection will help me and other readers understand your inquiry better, and be able to follow along with your successes and challenges.


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